Explorers get to experience firsthand what it’s like to be a volunteer or full-time firefighter and emergency service provider through firefighting training and ride-alongs during actual fire calls.


  • Learn important leadership skills
  • Particpate in hands-on projects to give them a real feel for whether this career is the right one for them.
  • Network with professionals who work in these careers daily and who use the latest technology
  • Learn about the educational requirements for a career in fire and emergency services and receive tangible advice on steps they can take now to prepare and position themselves for a successful career in the field of fire and EMS.

Established in 2009, the Sparta Fire Department Explorer program has welcomed over one hundred students between the ages of 14 and 20 to the program.  Many of whom have gone on to both paid and volunteer careers in Fire or EMS.  Some have also found out that this career isn’t for them which is the real magic of the program.

Exploring allows young men and women to learn enough about the career to determine if it’s not the right fit for them.

It’s better to learn as a young adult that a career is not for you, than after spending lots of money on an education only to THEN discover you don’t like the career!



Applications may be edited on PC or printed off and delivered.  If edited on a PC, they may be e-mailed to explorers@spartafire.org or if printed may be delivered in person at 107 E Jackson, Sparta, IL 62286